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I miss those days. Do you ?

Today I was scrolling my newsfeed on facebook and memories from 1 year ago popped up. I saw 2 pictures which I had posted on the last day of my school. 

Nostalgia struck me hard and I faded into the times when I was in school. Like when I used to go to school on my scooty in that blistering winter, my hands would go numb, tears would roll down my cheeks. After reaching school, I became so happy on seeing the faces which probably were waiting for me. First period would go in full energy and enthusiasm. Tiffins never met the recess. And all the times when we were caught by the teacher with our mouths filled with food. Last period was the total opposite of the first. All the perspiring and tired faces waited for that bell to ring. Every second seemed like a hour. But as soon as the bell would ring, all faces would liven up. Ready to leave, everyone packed their bags and zero fucks were given to the teacher's words. 

On the last day, everyone was both sad and happy. Nobody wanted to leave. Writing on each other's​ dresses, we knew that we will not see most of these faces or hear these voices again, still everyone was saying to keep in touch. 

When this beautiful flashback ended, I found myself back into the bitter reality. Lying in bed, I looked out of the window and thought how much fun school was.Today I see all those people posting stories on Snapchat and Instagram but the messages I receive are only from those idiots that I love the most and I feel blessed to have them in my life.

So, if you are in school, make friends and do crazy stuff with them because these are the days that you will miss the most. We cross approximately 4000 weekends in our lifetime. So don't waste even one of them. Live life without regrets. 

And as I have come to the reality, I'll take your leave ✋

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