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You don't find love, it finds you. So, keep it as a souvenir <3

What if she didn't reply? What if she rejected me? What if she loves someone else? And this way, these stories remain incomplete and the feelings which finally were on the verge of confession, get overpowered by that backspace button. 

Most of today's love stories start from a poke and end on a block. Confessions are made on social networking sites and the same thing is done during break ups. Many people take this thing lightly. Sometimes, both the persons are not serious about their relationship. Sometimes, only one of them is serious and the situation for him/her becomes the worst. I don't have much experience in love but still I can say that expectations lead to depression. People who can't handle heartbreaks go though so much that's too much to handle.

 Still, humans can't stop loving because it is the feeling that sets the foundation for a relationship which will last till eternity. And this thing has proved itself many times. But, my theory about love is different. We all hear about the so called love at first sight which I believe is a total misconception. Appearances can be deceptive. Don't fall for every person whom you find attractive. Take your time, make up your mind and then go for it. Because for you, it may be just a temporary entertainment but for someone, it may be a decision that's important as hell.

And so on the occasion of Valentine, I'd like to end it elegantly with a poem that my friend made ; 

If you liked this poem, follow my friend on Instagram @lakshyagera for more good stuff like this.

And I forgot to mention one thing, that I'm a total nincompoop when it comes to love and stuff. 😂 

So I guess I'll now take your leave. ✋

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